Mac Ayres Wants To Make Us Feel ‘Again’

Photo Credit: Mac Ayres/YouTube

Mac Ayres took to Instagram at the top of year to let fans know that a new album was coming, but he did so with a caveat. “[N]ew album is bout to be real sad [I’m] sorry,” he warned before adding a few laughing emojis to lighten the mood. That album hasn’t materialized yet, but Mac is giving us a first listen by dropping the set’s lead single “Again.”

Mac wasn’t kidding about the sadness, as “Again” is aimed squarely at our feels. The song deals with an emotional numbness that he can’t quite name but seems to be covering everything in his life. With a slow, somber guitar and subtle backing vocals rounding out the song’s sound, he attempts to get to the heart of the matter on the verses. But the feeling he’s describing seems to keep him at a distance, leading him to the song’s only refrain: “I just want to feel something again.”

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The video is a simple affair, as we watch Mac walk down a street in the midst of fall. While the colors of the foliage are utterly beautiful, the brownish tint clouding over the clip feels like that numbness described in the song, muting the beauty of the moment as he attempts to walk toward some undefined destination.

Though it’s quite the sobering affair, “Again” is still beautiful in its own way and a testament to the writing and musical talents of Mac Ayres. The singer-songwriter has yet to announce an album title or release date, but based on what’s presented here, we’d suggest you keep your Kleenex in reach. Stream “Again” and watch its music video when you head below.

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