James Blake Makes Us 'Scream' With Joy

I don't know about you, but I left the wintry tundra of the Northeastern United States some years ago. I will soon be travelling back to my old stomping grounds of New York City this weekend to partake in some good old-fashioned magical purple mystical concert love courtesy of His Royal Badness and will likely return to the doldrums I used to experience when dodging snow and ice on the ground was a normal part of my existence. Sigh. While I nurse my most perfect pout to accompany the snow that will be a part of my Up North trip, I will most certainly play James Blake's "The Wilhelm Scream." Who is Wilhelm and why is he screaming? I have no clue. I do know that I like "Limit To Your Love" better but this will do just fine until James' self-titled debut album drops on February 7th. [H/T: PF]

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