Sidibe has become synonymous with a lush, sensual, slow-burning sound thanks to her recent EPs Diamond In The Desert and Saturn Return. That, however, doesn’t mean that she can’t pick up the pace a bit while still giving us a similar feel. That’s exactly the case with her latest release “Nothing At All.”
The song starts by teasing what’s to come before slipping into familiar territory as Sidibe offers a languid and smooth vocal delivery on the verses. She details a situationship that could be more if her lover would get out of his own way, her voice letting on that she wants more than what’s on the table.
All the while, a constant snare hit and rhythm guitar line gurgles just beneath the production’s surface and hints at what’s to come. But the heat turns up once the chorus finally arrives and we get to fully hear the ’80s funk-like arrangement that’s propelling things forward beneath the song’s sighing, airy synths.
Sidibe, meanwhile, seizes the unexpected moment to lay things bare. “Want me to give you all my lovin’, baby / But you can’t give me anything at all,” she chides on the chorus. “Stop tryna play it / Nobody’s blaming / You’ll be ending up with nothing at all.”
Fast, slow, upbeat, mid-tempo...we love Sidibe at any pace she’s willing to give us. “Nothing At All” offers just what we needed from the songstress and has us hopeful for more to come. Take a listen to the singer-songwriter’s latest when you press play right here.