You Are In 'Real Good Hands' With Gregory Porter

Gregory Porter's Water was one of those albums that kinda came out of nowhere and blew me away. The perfect blend of jazz and soul, with a voice to carry you away, it is still in regular rotation today, so when I heard his sophomore effort, Be Good, would be released this month -- today in fact -- I was a very happy man. I've had chance to listen to the album in full and, in my opinion, it's even better than Water, probably due to it leaning slightly more towards the soulful tip. One of my favorite cuts on the album is the Bill Withers-esque "Real Good Hands," a slice of classic-sounding '70's soul music with Gregory asking a father for his daughter's hand in marriage. The track has been selected as the iTunes "Single of the Week" so take a listen, then head on over and grab your free download before February 20th.

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