Could It Be That Ryan Leslie Is 'Just Right'?

ryan_leslie_b&w.jpgFor some inexplicable reason, Ryan Leslie's name keeps falling from the mouths of people in my inner circle. In the past two weeks I have heard praises of his production ability from this young man who graduated from Harvard University at 19-years-old. Ivy league accolades notwithstanding, all that really matters is the music in the end. Blame my soft spot for falsetto-voiced, baby hair-sporting men who rock that look way past its expiration date, but I am actually feeling this song. It's growing on me with each subsequent listen, and I've been humming it around my office to keep me in a good mood. Hopefully, the remix, if there is one, doesn't turn into an Auto-Tuned nightmare of epic proportions. [H/T: OKP]

Ryan Leslie: "Just Right"

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[Photo: Hermosdef]

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