Music That'll Keep You 'Wired' for Sound

TheWire.jpgIf you're a fan of HBO's The Wire like I am, this weekend is a sad one for you.  After five gritty, raw, exceptionally well-written seasons, one of the smartest and most honest series in the history of television shakes down its final suspect. 

Alas, after this Sunday's episode (9PM/8PM EST/CST), all of the heartbreak, the corruption, the scandal, the corner boys and po-lice that inhabit creator David Simon's Baltimore, keeping viewers riveted to their flatscreens, will be gone. 

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However, fear not, my friends, because thanks to the people at Nonesuch Records, the show will live on through its music!  Not one, but two recent releases -- ...And All the Pieces Matter, Five Years of Music from The Wire, and Beyond Hamsterdam -- Baltimore Tracks from The Wire -- will make you feel like you're right next to Bodie (R.I.P.) on the corner, or checking clock signals with McNulty and Freamon in the wire room. 

Pieces features 35 tracks, including character interludes and the different incarnations of the series theme song, "Way Down in the Hole."  Hearing The Blind Boys of Alabama's rendition alone was enough to finnagle a purchase out of me.  Baltimore's set list has more of a hip-hop flair, with tracks from local B'more artists like Domaje, Bossman and Lafayette Gilchrist.

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If you love good music, you should definitely check it out.  If you love The Wire, I know you will. 

Now, if I could just figure out what happens to Marlo ...

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... And All the Pieces Matter, Five Years of Music from The Wire [Amazon]
Beyond Hamsterdam -- Baltimore Tracks from The Wire [

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