Tanek Montgomery Offers Something 'Better'

I'd been having kind of a blah week for discovering music from new or lesser known artists until New Castle, Pennsylvania's own Tanek Montgomery sung his way into my happy place with "Lovin' You Better." It's a mature look at the end of a relationship from the perspective of a man who realizes that he has a good woman, but has to let her go because all he can offer is "part-time love" when she deserves better. At first blush, Tanek sounds a like a gentler version of Joe with a dash of Urban Mystic trapped in Tank's body, and that's fine with me because I like the voices of all three. The song and his voice reminded me of the type of R&B songs and artists from the '90s and early '00s that dominated (and still dominate) my slow jam playlists. The track is straight-up smooth R&B with no fillers or random futuristic blips. The Los Angeles transplant has been in the studio preparing for the release of his EP later this year, and I'm looking forward to him supplying further proof that something about him is a little "Better."

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