Anthony David may not be a household name yet, but that's all about to change if India.Arie has anything to say about it. When we got word that India would be getting her own label imprint and releasing Anthony as her first artist, we were quite happy to hear that AD would finally be getting some much-deserved shine. Although he has enjoyed a degree of success on his own and built a large grassroots following, Anthony welcomes the transition to the mainstream and is looking forward to doing big things with the release of his album Acey Deucy on June 17th.
With a sound reminiscent of the classic soul that we don't often hear nowadays, Anthony is a welcome throwback to the days when singers sang and didn't rely on studio tricks and celebrity producers. As a singer/songwriter who takes his craft seriously, David is about to let the masses know that he got next and to get used to hearing his name.
I recently had chance to chop it up with Anthony while he readies the release of his upcoming album, and we enjoyed a spirited conversation about his experiences as an independent artist, his admiration for Alexander O'Neal, his love of blogging and why he wouldn't change his journey for anything.
Behind the Groove with Anthony David [download/subscribe]
*Music from Acey Deucy played during interview: "Words" feat. India.Arie and "Smoke One."
[Photo: Tafari]