Destiny's Stepchild, Kelly Rowland, Finally Gets A Clue

kelly_rowland_mathew_knowles.jpgWhile Beyoncé was busy serenading the first couple and Michelle Williams was busy defending herself against haters on YouTube, Kelly Rowland was secretly plotting her exit from the clutches of manager Mathew Knowles like a runaway slave breaking free from massa in the dead of night. OK, maybe I've been watching Roots too much, but this is fantastic news to hear that Kelly Rowland has finally woken up and smelled the nepotism and kicked Mathew Knowles to the ever-loving curb as her manager. It goes without saying that Knowles dropped the ball with regard to Kelly's projects outside of Destiny's Child (surprise, surprise). Maybe now KRo can find a new manager who takes a vested interest in building her and have a real career because she was on the fast track to VH1's Surreal Life if she kept going with BeySo's daddy.

Kelly Rowland Dumps Beyoncé's Dad As Manager [E!]

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