Little Dragon had us fooled at the beginning of last month when they dropped their single “Slugs Of Love.” We were under the impression that the post-punk record was a one-off single from the Swedish quartet to serve as an appetizer for whatever their next phase may be. It turns out that not only was the song the lead single from an upcoming album, but also the title track. With Slugs Of Love the album set for release this July, the crew wastes no time in preparing us for the set with the new single “Kenneth.”
“Kenneth” showcases more of their non-committal to genre. Actually, it seems that the song has several genres going on at once. There’s a grungy rock edge that mingles with a hip-hop-esque drum and even some dub elements. It’s all coupled with vocalist Yukimi Nagano’s vocal, which teeters between R&B soulful and trip-hop disaffected in a way that gives the song even more texture.
For the song’s visual, the crew once again turns to Unlimited Time Only to provide a trippy, animated clip that won’t soon be forgotten. They don’t solely animate footage of the band like they did for “Slugs Of Love,” though. Instead, they create a unique storyline in which a woman finds herself in a strange land surrounded and eventually chased by even stranger beings.
Slugs Of Love will also house a couple of familiar tracks, including “Frisco” and the JID-featuring “Stay” from last year’s Opening The Door EP. It’ll also include a collaboration with the Gorillaz’s Damon Albarn and a host of other songs with intriguing names like “Disco Dangerous” and “Tumbling Dice.” We’ll get to hear the project in full when the set arrives on Friday, July 7th. Until then, you can listen to “Kenneth” and watch the song's music video right here and check out the album's cover art and full tracklist.

Little Dragon Slugs Of Love tracklist:
1. Amöban
2. Frisco
3. Slugs Of Love
4. Disco Dangerous
5. Lily’s Call
6. Stay (feat. JID)
7. Gold
8. Kenneth
9. Glow (feat. Damon Albarn)
10. Tumbling Dice
11. Easy Falling