The great philosopher and vocal bible Brandy once said, “Almost doesn’t count,” on her hit song about a relationship with a wishy-washy partner. Mariah. harnesses some of that same energy on her latest single “Maybe” as she lets an indecisive lover know that she needs straight answers.
Just like the word "almost” wasn’t enough for Brandy, the word “maybe” isn’t in Mariah.’s vocabulary. After getting involved with someone, she needs to know where things stand and keeps it 100 in the lyrics that she penned for the piano-led production by Michael Gardner and Sarah Gardner.
“Say yes, say no, but know my love’s real for sure / Say yes, say no, but never say maybe,” Mariah. sings on the chorus, making it clear that she’s a real one and requires the same.
“‘Maybe’ was written from the vantage point of one wanting more out of life, more than ‘what ifs’ and ‘probably,’” Mariah. said about her vision for the non-nonsense song. “A sure answer is what one truly seeks. Gray space becomes cloudy and lines get blurred when you say ‘Maybe’. This song serves as a reminder to be clear in the realm of transparency.”
There are no blurred lines for Mariah. who knows what she wants and how she needs to be treated on “Maybe.” When it comes to relationships, this is a sentiment to live and love by. Stream “Maybe” below, and stick around to watch the songstress performing the song live during an appearance on Great Day Louisiana last year.