We thought that Tink had her say last year, when she released her vulnerable album Pillow Talk. The set, a collaboration with producer Hitmaka, found her touching on various topics involving relationships, sex, love and romance. She said a lot on the track, but she has even more to tell us with the release of her newest single “Toxic.”
“Toxic” sounds sweet with an almost orchestral arrangement of strings that keep the pace without the aid of drums. Though the song leaves out that element, it’s not missed thanks to Tink’s singing flow, which she flips from staccato notes to long phrasing within the song’s frame. Meanwhile, she describes a romantic situation in which she talks to a toxic dude whom she regrets letting hit. She doesn’t deny her part in the proceedings, however, as she lays out a case for why she might be just as toxic as he is.
The visual for the track takes some inspiration from Chicago’s “Cell Block Tango” as we see Tink and a selection of dancers standing behind bars while bathed in sexy red light. It’s not necessarily a red light special, though, as we're also shown the singer getting up close and personal with a dark-skinned charmer despite her own reservations.
The clip, like the single, shows her reclaiming her responsibility and her time while also showing her to be a woman in control of her own desire. How’s that for a statement?
Watch and listen to Tink make the case for being “Toxic” and owning it when you head below.