Tink Shows The Many Women She Could Be In 'Switch'

Photo Credit: Tink/YouTube

Tink got vulnerable with the release of her album Pillow Talk, on which she delves into the many ups and downs of romance. She's also doing the same thing on the visual tip, with clips for "Cater," "Goofy" and "I Choose Me" showing off the singer/rapper's sexy, glamorous and grittier sides. All those sides come together for the latest video from the set for "Switch."

The clip first finds Tink relaxing in the bathtub with her tallest stiletto heels as she sings the song's chorus. Soon things are switching up on us as we see her in sexy lingerie, looking classy (yet ready to flip a table) at dinner and serving a fierce look on a red carpet.

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The looks show that Tink is, indeed, every woman. But, more importantly, they prove the lyrics true that she can switch up on him at any given time if he continues to play with her emotions. The video doesn't have a typical narrative structure, but it does get its point across in an effective way.

Tink's got another winner with this one, and it has us hoping that there are many more visuals from Pillow Talk to come. Check out the video for "Switch" when you press play below.

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