When Joyce Wrice dropped "Iced Tea" back in March, it was obvious that the Kaytranada-produced joint was a banger. It had an undeniable groove, and Joyce fit right in its pocket with her soft, sweet vocal. We also knew that the track was screaming for a video. Now, six months later, we finally have one.
Joyce gets cinematic with it in the clip, which opens with her entering a restaurant on a rainy night. She carries on a conversation in Japanese with the waitress in which she discusses the difference between avenge and revenge, cluing us in to what the plot of this video is all about.
Eventually, the music cuts in and we're taken back out into the rain to give the songstress a fierce choreography moment as the water splashes all around her. We go back in the restaurant soon enough so that the clip can switch to anime as Joyce pulls out a katana, runs and then slices her target's head clean off. Before you can say "what in the Kill Bill," we're back into regular film and more choreo as Joyce shows us that she's just as lethal with her moves as she is with a blade.
The clip ends with Joyce finishing up her definition of revenge — making sure that we know that, for her, revenge is justice — before abruptly getting up from her seat as the credits flash on the screen.
We must say that Joyce Wrice is becoming one of the artists whose visuals are always ones to watch. See what we mean below when you press play to watch "Iced Tea."