It's hard to remember a time before this digital age, but you don't have to look far to find an old head willing to tell you about the good old days. Morris Day is a proud member of the old school who continues to keep crowds moving to this very day. He's also back on the block with his new single "Grown Man," which lets all the ladies out there know why you need a more mature fella in your life.
Morris gets straight to point on the track, letting you know to not expect any d**k pics from him in your inbox ("Let's leave that there for them millennials," he quips). Instead, he has more traditional — and flashy — ways to get your attention. Those include fancy whips, exotic trips, big houses and stellar credit. And if all those things aren't enough to get you interested, the track pulls out the big guns with a verse from rap legend Big Daddy Kane, who drops a 16 about what exactly he's bringing to the table in the romance department. With all these sentiments, and a groove the adds a smooth edge to the '80s funk sound Morris is known for without coming off like parody, it's an approach that will surely keep Morris' player ways going for years to come.
"Grown Man" shows that sometimes this new age needs a bit of old-school finesse. Let Morris Day and Big Daddy Kane show you how it's done when you listen right here.