Over the summer, BJ The Chicago Kid introduced his BJ Wednesdays series, which became the highlight of Hump Day with weekly releases every Wednesday. A few weeks later, the end result was the release of his independent EP 4 AM that featured all of his summer drops. Now that it's fall, BJ is back to give the people what they want with a new season of BJ Wednesdays, and he reintroduces the series with his single "Smooth."
"Smooth" is just that, finding BJ The Chicago Kid linking back up with longtime collaborator Jairus “JMo” Mozee and Charlie Bereal on a warm R&B groove right on time for cuffing season. BJTCK serenades a young lady who's caught his attention over the twang of an electric guitar, thumping bass and live drums. "Like the shovel want to dig, baby / I want to know more," he sings on the first verse, wanting to get to know her better. "I'm sure once I learn how you get down, baby / You gon' hold the crown, baby," he continues, making his intentions clear. There's more flirtation ("You be the weed, I'm the lighter, baby") and compliments ("Skin so beautiful, it's magical") as BJ perfectly captures those moments when you first meet someone who has you wide open on sight.
With the release of "Smooth" and the reprise of BJ Wednesdays, BJ The Chicago Kid is just warming up. Expect more tunes from the crooner every Wednesday for the next few weeks. We don't know if that means that he'll drop a new EP akin to 4 AM by the time all is sung and done, but we have our fingers crossed. For right now, incorporate "Smooth" into your playlists and collections from a number of digital music providers.