Jessie Ware is on the verge of a return, with her new project What's Your Pleasure? lined up for a June 5th release. She introduced the forthcoming project with the disco-tinged lead single "Spotlight." That taste had us wondering what the musical direction of the album would be. We're getting a better idea of that now that Miss Ware has decided to drop the set's newest single "Ooh La La."
Jessie opts for another retro sound, this time looking toward the pop and funk of the '80s for inspiration. "Ooh La La" begins with a bass line so thick you can cut it with a knife. She pairs that with spacy synth work, programmed percussion and a few stray guitar licks to drive it all home. Meanwhile, Jessie sings of being impressed by the little things a man does to turn her on. Whether it be something as simple as a kiss on the cheek, opening the door for her or politely asking if he can stay the night, they've all got her motor running and raring to go. In fact, she's willing to negotiate what she'll let him do, singing, "You can love me one time / You can love me two, two time / You get more of my time / If you're gonna treat me nice." Hey, sometimes a little chivalry goes a long way.
Based on the sound of the singles so far, Jessie wants to make us dance with What's Your Pleasure?. If she keeps on dropping slick singles like this one, she'll more than likely get her wish. Get into the latest from Jessie Ware when you press play on the audio and lyric video right here.