Talented rising star Isabelle Brown returns with her second release of the new year. She's cleverly added a chapter to the saga behind her previous single "To Say Goodbye" and provides a bit more context to the story. “Work It All Out” serves as a prequel to the break-up anthem and provides a bit of a bop in the process. Over the track's mid-tempo retro groove she sings of her desire to mend what’s broken while noting her hand in it all.
The seemingly seasoned 17-year-old draws on her own experiences as inspiration and conveys her passion in a mature, yet age-appropriate way. Of her latest release she says, “It’s the beginning of the end of my relationship with a close friend and the optimistic side of a difficult situation...the hope that one day we can ‘Work It All Out.’" We glean from the preceding single that this relationship, unfortunately, met its demise. Whether platonic or romantic, we have all been there and, as one of her noted musical influences Nina Simone so eloquently put it, “You've got to learn to leave the table when love's no longer being served.”
Listen to “Work It All Out” by Isabelle Brown and add the single to your collection from your favorite digital platform. Hopefully, the back-to-back release of two singles and a video are part of a rollout to the follow-up to her 2019 EP 03, which was a stunning collection of four songs recorded when she was between the ages of 12-14. Now that she has a few more years on her, she undoubtedly has much more to offer and we are here for it all.