We're kinda ready for summer to be over with. Not that it hasn't been fun, in spite of Sahara temps and ark-level rains; it's just that many of our favorite artists are scheduled to drop new albums in the coming weeks and we can't wait. After teasing us with hip-hop/soul jam "Before You Get a Boyfriend," we can now add Phony Ppl to our growing list of most-anticipated albums coming this fall. The Bounce-Worthy Brooklynites just revealed an October 19th release date for their newest project, mō’zā-ik, and dropped a new single entitled "Way Too Far" to let us know that it'll be worth the wait.
The otherworldly groove is an archetype of the group's distinct ability to vibrate on a different frequency than most. Both lush and sparse, the track manages to seduce the senses and create a sense of yearning, despite lamenting a relationship on the brink of collapse. Elbee Thrie expounds on the reflective tune, saying, "this sonG captures that eureka moment: realizinG that you’ve been goinG way over the top for a while now just to make sure somebody else remains content.. and sustaininG that feelinG for them is draininG the life out of you. you may not know what it is yet, but somethinG’s definitely Gotta chanGe."
Whether you can relate to the lyrics or have always been lucky in love, "Way Too Far" is a must-listen. Stream the song below, then download a copy and vibe to your heart's content. Pre-order mō’zā-ik ahead of its October 19th release date and follow Phony Ppl on Twitter and Instagram for updates.