You know it's going to be a good day when your favorite soulful singer drops in to sing the weather forecast. Things were looking bright on the Good Day Charlotte set last week, when crooner Anthony Hamilton joined the Fox 46 team to let them know how the weather was shaping up in his hometown. After weatherman Nick Kosir, also known as The Rapping Weatherman, failed to impress anchors Brien Blakely and Barbara Lash with the dreary forecast, AHam took over by stealing his thunder. The Charlotte-bred singer used his velvety vocals to add a little warmth to the cloudy and damp conditions, which left Brien and Barbara elated and Nick wading in his cold feelings. Leave it to Anthony and his voice to get rid of any predicted overcast.
Although he did a great job during his weatherman debut, Hamilton won't be taking Nick's job just yet since he has his latest album, What I’m Feelin', to promote. The album features contemporary R&B, tracks with gospel and country influences and, of course, the classic soul we've come to expect from the singer. He'll be bringing all this new music and more alive on his joint tour with songstress Fantasia starting this month. If you want to warm things up -- outside or in -- you can still cop What I'm Feelin' on Amazon or iTunes. Until then, watch Anthony and his soulful vocals warm up the barometer on Good Day Charlotte right here and stick around to watch his interview with Lash and to see him make sushi for the first time.
My forecast < singer-songwriter Anthony Hamilton's forecast. (Guest starring Brien Blakely Fox 46 and Barbara Lash FOX 46)
Posted by Nick Kosir FOX 46 on Friday, April 1, 2016
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