Lin-Manuel Miranda Of 'Hamilton' Drops A Freestyle With Help From President Obama


You know your Broadway show is successful when you're not only invited to perform at the White House but when you get to drop a few bars with POTUS in the Rose Garden. Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator and star of the GRAMMY Award-winning Broadway hit Hamilton, made his way to the White House yesterday to perform along with the cast and later got an opportunity to freestyle with President Barack Obama himself. POTUS didn't get on the mic but he held cue cards with buzz words that Lin-Manuel could use during the set. The president presented Lin-Manuel with words like "Constitution," "NASA" and "The Federalist Papers," and while visibly under pressure, the talented actor/rapper spent the almost two-minute video expertly working each cue card into his lyrics.

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About Hamilton, President Obama says it has become a "cultural phenomenon." He also noted in his introduction of the cast that "Hamilton is probably the only thing me and Dick Cheney can agree on." You can watch the Hamilton performance at the White House right here (at the 44:00 minute mark) to see what the hype is really all about, but be sure to check out Lin-Manuel's freestyle in the Rose Garden first. Bucket list anyone?

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