It's no secret that we love ourselves some Janet Jackson here at SBHQ (hell, we dedicated a whole month to her). It's also no secret that we love the work of producer extraordinaire Kaytranada. So whenever the work of the two merge, it's gonna be absolute heaven to our ears. Kaytra already did an iconic flip of Janet when he turned "If" into an elastic club banger that still gets burn to this day. And now he's back at it with a flip of another one of Janet's biggest hits, "Alright," and we must say, it's another winner.
To breathe new life into his take on "Alright," which he's re-christened "Alrite," the producer married Janet's vocal track with a fresh and airy sample of Brazilian duo Burnier e Cartier's 1974 song "Mirandolina," adding his own signature flourishes to create a jamming rework. Janet's light as a feather vocal lends itself well to the flute, chimes and slightly bossa nova rhythm of the sample and Kaytranada, of course, brings it by adding in that elastic bass line that he's known for while distorting things ever so slightly. This refix, which Kaytra previously released late last year, also gets a bit of an extension, as the producer decided to tack on a bit of Burnier e Cartier's original to end the proceedings, bringing us full circle on the musical journey.
We don't know about you, but we would love for JDJ and Kaytra to actually collaborate on something official one of these days. We'll keep hoping and wishing that something like that will happen, and while we do that, luxuriate in "Alrite" right here.