"Taking control of your health doesn't start with a diet on a Monday, it starts with a decision from your heart."
Hey guys!
It's Syleena Johnson here and the above quote is from my upcoming book, The Weight Is Over: My Journey To Loving My Body From The Outside In. I can't wait to share it with everyone and encourage people toward transforming their bodies and lives with health and fitness with my story. As a companion to the book, I'll be sharing some tips and tidbits right here on SoulBounce.com on The Weight Is Over Blog in their new Body & SoulBounce section.
Throughout my journey, I've found that getting motivated and getting moving have been keys to my success.
However, it's February and my gym has already become a ghost town. I can tell that the enthusiastic New Year's resolutions of many have died down. The struggle is real, y'all! It's tough staying motivated, but it is so necessary when you are trying to reach your health and fitness goals. It all starts with making up your mind to live healthy, eat better and exercise regularly. If you find yourself struggling -- and, trust me, we've all been there -- don't quit. You won't regret it.
Here are my three tips to stay motivated with your exercise program:
1. Go out and purchase a new workout outfit or tennis shoes. When you look good, you feel good.
- Advertisement -2. Find a workout partner or team up with someone who is on the same journey and support each other through the process. Hold each other accountable.
3. Make it a habit to try a new class or kind of workout each week. This keeps your workout fun and exciting. If you dread your workouts, chances are you will give up on them. Working out is a lifestyle, not a temporary chore.
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