A new year is here, which brings with it a whole new set of expectations from some of our favorite artists. We've been patient and we've been kind, but we want new albums and we want 'em now, dammit! Sure, we have long-awaited albums coming from KING, SWV and Tweet confirmed and coming soon, but they're just three names on a lengthy list.
We called out a few artists last year, and thanks to Janet Jackson, Jill Scott and Erykah Badu for hearing our pleas for new albums, shout out to Lauryn Hill for her impressive work on the Nina Simone tribute album and good looking out to Missy Elliott for smashing it with her massive comeback single. However, with the exception of KING, the remaining artists on that list kicked our hopes for their new albums to the curb like we were Tinder rejects.
But we're a determined bunch, and 2016 has brought along a whole 'nother set of 16 artists who we want to get new albums from over the course of this year. Some of the artists listed here have been busy in the studio, with their new projects just a press release away, while others have given no indication they're even remotely interested in releasing something. But from sure bets to long shots, they're all long overdue for new albums, and we're very ready to hear them. Consider this Hot 16: 16 Artists Who Need To Release New Albums In 2016 our wish list for all the musical gifts we want to receive this year.