The first annual Art of Cool Festival in Durham, NC is right around the corner -- no, really, it's NEXT WEEKEND! The dates for the Art of Cool Festival may have just creeped up on us, but there's still time to plan to attend on Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th lest you miss out on one of the tightest festival lineups we've seen in a while. Where else will you find a cavalcade of SoulBounce faves such as The Foreign Exchange, Amel Larrieux, Bilal, Alice Smith, Mark de Clive Lowe, Thundercat and so many others gracing numerous stages for two days? We can't think of too many other places where you can witness that lineup, and we also can't think of where else we'd rather be.
If you'd like to partake in the Art of Cool Festival, then there is still time left to cop tickets. Visit the AOC Festival website for the 411 on how to make that happen. The good folks at The Art of Cool Project have also been dope enough to give us two pairs of passes for the opening night of the Art of Cool Festival on Friday, April 25th that we're giving away to two SoulBouncers. Just follow SoulBounce and The Art of Cool Project on Twitter and Facebook and enter to win on the next page!