Nicholas Ryan Gant is a very talented boy, as any follower of SoulBounce surely knows. After blessing us with a Valentine's Day treat, the singer returns with new track "Personally," which is yet another dose of his unique take on soul. Linking up with producer 00Genesis, Nicholas delivers a slightly moody track that finds him ruminating on what exactly his new relationship is. But while there is a definite contemplative vibe here, the slyly sensual groove featured and Nicholas' way with words ("This is delicious this thing we do/I'm not superstitious but I'm feeling you," he sings at one point) make this one just as at home on a first date soundtrack as it would be if it happened to make it on your GTD playlist. If you're feeling the vibe that's been created here, then you're in luck. NRG is offering this one up on a pay-what-you-like basis via his BandCamp page. While that means that you can have this track for free, I'm sure that after you take a listen, you'll want to show our boy some monetary love. Get up close and personal with Nicholas when you press play.