R. Kelly's "My Story" didn't really leave much of an impression on me (though apparently a few Kelly fans respectfully disagreed), and he continues that unimpressive streak with the song's video. Essentially a tour diary, the clip finds Kells showing off footage from his arena and club appearances as well as logging some time in the studio and hanging out amongst the people. Interspersed throughout are performance clips of him singing on a rooftop in his hometown of Chicago and random, scantily clad women. Even with all this, though, the track's featured guest 2 Chainz is curiously absent, though we do get to hear his verse. While I'm sure his hardcore fans will eat this up with a spoon, it felt to me like being stuck at a friend's house and being forced to watch his home movies. In other words, it made me drowsy. Wake me up when Mr. Kelly decides to be interesting again.
After the bounce
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