Teedra Moses Encourages You To 'Hold Your Head'

What a week this has been, and it's just Wednesday. Many of us are still in shock at the not guilty verdict that was rendered in the George Zimmerman murder trial and have been trying to cope with our feelings of rage and anger. Coming through with a song to soothe our souls is Teedra Moses who posted a new track to her SoundCloud page today entitled "Hold Your Head." Of the song she says, "In the wake of the current injustice we all need to remember to breathe, stay strong and know that God has a bigger plan. Through whatever Hold Ya Head..." Can I get an amen? "Hold Your Head" doesn't directly address the Trayvon Martin case, but Teedra does touch on a few scenarios that illustrate society's ills. She doesn't paint a pretty picture, but there's nothing more beautiful than the sound of her voice encouraging the listener to hold on through this thing called life. [Photo: Keith Estep]


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