Well, that was quick. In mere hours of announcing that Janelle Monáe's highly-anticipated Electric Lady project has a confirmed released date, the second single "Dance Apocalyptic" has been released in full. Bouncing on rock-a-billy ukulele, "Dance Apocalyptic" has Monáe taking a little inspiration from those violet stars happy hunting Metropolis EP days and possibly past tour mate Bruno Mars, as she saddle shoes over a Sam Cooke-esque hand clapper. As summery and harmless as it is, just like with her Erykah Badu assisted hit single "Q.U.E.E.N." this is yet another Monáe track that I'll have to warm up to. Not that I find this dull, oh no, it's got me wanting to Bob Fosse "Frug" all over my house right about now, it's just that Monáe pretty much set the bar when it came to her massive debut The ArchAndroid and my snooty music journalist bias is showing. Nonetheless, if Electric Lady shapes up to be a fun, footloose and fancy free affair (which I'm highly betting it will be), you bet I'll eat my words and make way to the dance floor to um, twerk this one out. Also to add to the fun Target will be releasing an exclusive deluxe edition of Electric Lady that will include bonus cuts, including remixes of "Q.U.E.E.N." and the title track, along with her cover of the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back." So mark your calendar, September 10th will be an eventful day for sure!
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