Though we're just getting into spring here on the East Coast, Bay Area collective The Seshen seems to be looking a few seasons ahead. 2000, to be exact. "2000 Seasons" is the title of the latest single that the gang has cooked up. Like "Turn" before it, the track finds the septet blending many musical styles together to make something a bit too dope to put a label on. The song, which shares a title with Ayi Kwei Armah's heady 1973 literary work, features their now signature ethereal vocals and pairs them with a musical backdrop thats a bit funkier than their previous songs. It also deals with some of the book's themes, as the lyrics poetically address the idea of getting lost in self-conquest. It's still uncertain if "2000 Seasons" -- or "Turn" for that matter -- will be included on their upcoming project, which the group is currently at work on (when they're not doing loads of live shows in the Bay, of course). While there still isn't much word about the new sounds they're working on, I'm sure heading to the group's Bandcamp page to purchase "2000 Seasons" will definitely tide you over until more news comes.
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