If, like me, you were wondering what first worthwhile bit of music 2013 would offer, you may be seconds away from it. Yesterday Timbaland shared an unreleased track from his 2012 sessions with longtime partner in crime Missy Elliott, "The Party Anthem," featuring a Lil Wayne verse and T-Pain on the hook. The song's a welcome surprise. It's the first of the new crop of Tim/Missy tracks to truly excite -- particularly with Elliott's reinvigorated flow, and in that it's thankfully not the gimmicky, club/chart chaser its title and guest list suggest. With its familiar brooding Timbaland strings, Psycho-stabbing piano and stalled-car percussion, it's more the song that plays after the party's over, as the kids are running for dear life from a crazy, masked man with a razor-sharp tool of destruction. Actually, considering what I just heard, the deadly villain is more likely a masked woman. Happy New Year, folks. It's 1999 again.
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