I love Christmas because I love getting presents, and the best present for a music lover such as myself is more music. I will always have room under my tree and on my iPod for some new tunes. With that in mind, my good friend Applejac donned his Santa Claus suit and gave me this musical gift today that I couldn't wait to open in the form of his take on the yuletide favorite "Christmas Time Is Here." But this sounds nothing like what you may remember from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Applejac enlists singer Jessica Newry to add a fresh coat of paint and soulfully sweet twist to the holiday standard. Newry is none other than the Bounce-Worthy artist formerly known as Jessica Johnson who previously worked with Applejac on the Playin' Favorites bonus track "What A Mess." Together this winning team have reunited to create a version of "Christmas Time Is Here" that will warm you up better than any spiked egg nog and may even make you break out into a mean two-step. Since it is the season of giving, Applejac is spreading the Christmas joy and giving this track away for free. So be sure to download this exclusive SoulBounce world premiere as soon as you can to make your holiday playlists bright.
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