Ah, the Friend Zone. We've all either been there ourselves or relegated someone to a lonely room in the Heartbreak Hotel at one time or another. If you've ever wanted to upgrade from single occupancy to the honeymoon suite with a friend, then you'll be able to relate to Sarah MK's song "Just Friends," which she released the music video for this week. We see the Bounce-Worthy singer/rapper chillin' with her homie on a park bench, taking in the nice sunshiny day and their surroundings. But judging by Sarah's body language, the sun isn't the only thing making her hot. However, before she can make any moves, her groove keeps getting disturbed by this or that person walking by. Will she have to find a new crush or could if be that her friend wants to take things to the next level, too? Watch this entertaining video to find out and be sure to pick up Sarah's album, Worth It, on Bandcamp to get more good tunes where this came from.
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