TV One's Unsung -- what else can I say about it? It's supremely entertaining and a show crafted with the music nerd in mind, but it's also a slice-of-life character study that teaches us some valuable lessons about the ebb and flow of the music industry and how its tidal waves can sometimes engulf its occupants. Everytime I watch it, enlightened I am to the makings of some of my favorite artists. Just the other night I was watching Sheila E.'s story and once again came away with learning that there was more to the 'glamorous life' than thought. With Unsung, you think you know, but then you don't, and that's the element to why Unsung is such a wildly popular and award-winning show for TV One. So popular that they are continuing to turn on some brand-new spotlights to shine for a new season. Beginning this June, Unsung is back with new episodes and this time they'll be taking a look at the under-sung talents and backstories of Sly Stone, Gerald LeVert, Kool Moe Dee, The Marvelettes, Angela Bofill, Con Funk Shun, and Arrested Development. With a lineup like that, I don't know about you all, but I'm psyched to dive into these stories this summer. I also don't need to tell you twice to get your DVR's locked in, and if you're like me and your cable provider doesn't carry TV One *shakes fist* keep on refreshing TV One's Unsung page to watch full episodes after they air.
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