A couple of years ago, if you heard about special television programming being aired overseas, chances are you'd just have to cross your fingers and hope for a DVD release to make its way across the pond. However, thanks to such wonderous advancements as YouTube and Vimeo, access to international programming that would otherwise be unavailable is but a few internet clicks away. So when BBC Four recently aired a documentary on the life and times of Prince, I was all too happy when the hour-long doc, A Purple Reign, surfaced online. One of a four-part series that took a look at major players in the African-American music scene during the '80s, the film takes a look at the Purple One and the impact he made on Black music, starting from his humble beginnings as a struggling musician and his meteoric ascent to the top. If you're a Prince fanatic, chances are that not much in the documentary will be news to you. However, if not, this is a great look into the mind of one music's most enigmatic and innovative artists. Other artists featured in the series include Janet Jackson, Public Enemy, and Lionel Richie. If you have an hour to spare, I suggest you kick back and enjoy this intimate look at Minneapolis' greatest export.
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