Can Joss Stone 'Somehow' Win You Over?

Oh, the conundrum that is Joss Stone. When I first heard her, back when she was Questlove-approved, I felt like she had so much potential. Here was this very young girl covering huge songs and, for the most part, delivering on them. Outside of The Soul Sessions, however, I've been somewhat less than impressed. Fast forward to 2011 and three additional albums later, for her latest project she's teamed up with Dave Stewart of Eurythmics fame, which was enough to spark my interest in her new material. "Somehow," her first single from the upcoming LP1 on her own Stone'd Records label, is...okay at best. Her vocals are fine and the song is interesting enough, but I can't quite put my finger on what's bothering me about the song as a whole. Maybe it's that it comes off as soul by the numbers or maybe it's that her vocals are slightly underwhelming here. Either way, Joss has been mining this throwback soul sound for nearly a decade now, so I expect better than a warmed-over soul track with no real connection to the material. Maybe you might listen and feel differently, but for me it's a very humdrum affair.

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