When MySpace Records first launched in 2005, it seemed poised to take over the music industry and launch its promising roster of artists into musical stardom. Fast forward to now and MySpace has all but lost its stranglehold on social media, while most of those artists have left the MySpace building for more promising pastures. For L.A.-based crooner Mateo, those pastures are located over on Kerry "Krucial" Brothers' new imprint, Krucial Noise. For his debut vid on his new label home, Mateo enlisted the help of Goapele and rapper Ab Liva for the single, "Don't Shoot Me Down." When I saw Goapele's name attached to the song, I wasn't sure what to expect. See, I have a love/hate relationship with her voice. She's one of those artists that I know I'm supposed to like, but somehow can never quite get around to totally feeling her. As much as I liked her debut "Closer," many of her subsequent singles have just fallen on my deaf ears. At any rate, her voice works on this song. While neither she or Mateo have the strongest vocals, the delectable backing track makes it all work. And with the gorgeous visuals of the video, I'd happily call myself a fan if it meant more promising material such as this. Be sure to look out for Mateo's mixtape, Love & Stadiums, due out March 30th.
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