Eric Benét Can't 'Live Without You'

Whatever Eric Benét is doing (or not doing) to keep his voice on point is absolutely working in his favor. Three years after the release of his GRAMMY-nominated album Love & Life, the former Mr. Halle Berry has rolled out yet another classic, classy visual to accompany yet another beautiful love song from Lost In Time. The video for "Never Want To Live Without You" follows Eric and his leading lady from celebrating new home ownership through various loving moments, culminating in a simple, elegant, intimate backyard wedding ceremony. Yes, she gets to kiss Eric Benét. Yes, you're allowed to be jealous. Musically, I'm loving that Eric hasn't taken the path of many of his contemporaries, relying on modern trends and fads to supplement fading abilities. Not only is he as, ahem, youthful as he was a decade ago, but his voice is still in top form. I'm hoping that his and Maxwell's renewed successes motivate the elusive D'Angelo to push away from the dinner table and pull his act together. Great work, Eric.

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