Can You Guess What Makes Kelis Salivate?

Ever wonder what makes Kelis water about the mouth? You better believe it is tasty animal byproducts and juicy slabs of red meat. And according to her MySpace blog response to a personal letter from PETA, there isn't a damn thing wrong with that or with her wearing expensive fur coats and accessories either. Taking the fashion defense, she goes on quite the tirade, likening throwing paint on someone wearing fur to throwing designer shoes at poorly dressed people. Also, she envisions a world where chinchillas and minks run free through the streets without luxury designers ridding us of this horrible scourge by creating garments out of their pelts. She goes on to call out the organization's racism--a valid point--and suggests that their followers consider their own privilege because someone, somewhere is picking all of those veggies they enjoy. She just wants them to "Get off  [her] back! Pun intended!'

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