I know I have said this before, but it stands repeating: 2009 is shaping up to being a pretty good year for new music, if you know where to look. Thank heaven I stumbled upon Electric Wire Hustle, a soulful New Zealand trio whose talent cannot be ignored. Pictured above, they are Myele Manzanza, Taay Ninh, and MaraTK. As tempted as I am to try to explain how in love I am with them upon first listen of their new album Every Waking Hour, I will refrain. All I will say is that EWH sounds all at once like something you've heard before because their sound is so unpretentious. And, yes, the comparisons to Marvin Gaye are ones that vocalist Mara TK (gasp!) deserves. You don't have to trust me on this one. Just trust your ears. They'll be your guide. More audible and visual goodness after the bounce. Many thanks to SoulUK for this one.