Feast your eyes on this exclusive first look at Maxwell on the cover and inside the pages of the September issue of GIANT magazine. Maxwell is featured on the front of the glossy with tie loosened, drink in hand, the words "Let Me Love You" hovering over his left shoulder and a come hither look on his face. A feverish flip through the mag will land you on page 70 where the 12-page piece starts, showcasing the ever-fashionable singer in photographs by Kenneth Cappello. Stylish eye candy aside, the accompanying interview by Celia San Miguel is just as appealing. San Miguel doesn't regurgitate questions about BLACKsummers'night that have already been asked and answered. Instead, she gets Maxwell to open up ever-so-slightly about his past, and we get a glimpse at what shaped him and his approach to women. Maxwell keeps it real and even gets a little raw in the interview. Be sure to pick up the September issue of GIANT when it hits newsstands and get a sneak peek of the photos after the bounce.