Some Auto-Tune We Can Get With

roger_troutman_cover.jpgAnytime there is oversaturation of one particular thing in a culture, whether good or bad, there will exist a balancing force to reinstitute the equilibrium. In other words, too much Yang (think studio gangsta rappers) will inevitably bring an opposite Yin force (think hipster rap). Is it any surprise then that the unrelentless use of Auto-Tune into something Roger Troutman would barely recognize has caused a backlash by members of the Hip Hop community? Not all. Peep one of our favorite takes on the Auto-Tune phenomenon, from the Death of Auto-Tune album, a remake of A Tribe Called Quest's "Electric Relaxation" by Roger Riley & Teddy Troutman. Yes, you read that correctly. 

Roger Riley & Teddy Troutman: "Electric Relaxation"

As if Phife's reimagined high-pitched Auto-Tuned voice wasn't enough, take a gander at the video below by B.o.B., a song simply titled "Auto Tune" whose lyrics include: 

Well I was in the studio/
But I couldn't hit the notes/
I could've got a vocal coach/
But I ain't want no vocal coach/
Then someone showed me this plug-in/
So you can't hear the notes I miss/ 
So I don't need no vocalist/ 
And now i got an instant hit 

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At least we can say that we totally saw this one coming. Hopefully, more spoofs like these will mean the end of Auto-Tune as we have come to loathe it real, real soon. [IR/RIK]

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