madge.jpgYes, I realize I'm breaking about eleventy thousand cardinal rules by posting this (Mr. Lowe, I see you), but if anyone reading this has any theories about how Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone Ritchie hooked up with 106 & Park, I'm dying to hear them. Last I checked, it was May 1st, not April 1st, and I don't see any of the Four Horsemen in the horizon. That could only mean one thing: this sh*t is true.

"For the first time in BET history, legendary music phenom Madonna will visit the network's hit countdown show, 106 & Park, on Friday, May 2 at 6:00 PM. Hosted by fan favorites Terrence and Rocsi, 106 is prepared to give Madonna a welcome celebration like never before. To predict her next evolution, Terrence and Rocsi will get Madonna to foresee the future. Rocsi will also do yoga positions that Madonna will comment on, and Terrence will do some dance moves for her to judge. Madonna will also introduce her new video '4 Minutes,' featuring Justin Timberlake and Timbaland."

Hard to launch a side-eye when I'm digging my own grave. [PRNW]

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