In what must surely be the most belated April Fool's joke ever, NerdWithSwag is reporting that "The Ghostface Doll" over at 4Cast is priced at $499.99. Although The Ghostface Doll is designed with that patented Ghostface sneer that we all love, he, unforch, doesn't come with the requisite Raekwon the Chef sidekick doll. From the product page:
"Thought up by 4CAST founder Ameesh Dani, the Doll was created to be a representative of an exciting time in hip hop that was timeless and classic. The specs of the figure, which include the real gold and the fact that it is very limited and exclusive, represent where hip hop and hip hop consumer culture is today."
None of that explains why the doll has hard abs and looks like Will Smith, though. Also, $499.99? Really?!