Maxwell's Finger is Twitching; Secret Agents Surround His Home


my click finger is twitchin' to release the full version of 'PRETTY WINGS" but COLUMBIA has a lot of beautiful ideas for the setup of 'BLACKSUMMERS'NIGHT'. they wanna go BIG. THEY SAY: giving it up to MYSPACE now will alienate the other pending lucrative options they are trying SETUP. i know what those are so i can't be MAD but secret agents ARE surrounding my CRIB. plotting to steal my computer to keep me from making quick moves to get u in on this top secret MUSIC. :-/

Maxwell's cryptic blogs are almost as entertaining as Courtney Love's, but slightly more coherent. Read the whole thing here. He's writing like someone is walking back and forth in the hallway with a loaded Tech 9.

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W8 [Maxwell's Myspace]

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