How excited are we that The Salt-N-Pepa Show is only a few weeks away from hitting the airwaves? After seeing that spicy preview clip last week, we can't wait for Cheryl "Salt" James and Sandy "Pepa" Denton to premiere their upcoming VH1 Celebreality television series. This show already looks like a major step up from the Flavor-Of-I-Love-New-Charm-School axis of evil that dominates VH1's schedule.
VH1.com interviewed the duo and, although they may not exactly be besties, the reunited pair sound refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to get past their issues and start a new chapter--together. That right there is enough to make us do the wop in anticipation. And so is this:
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The Salt-N-Pepa Show premieres Monday, October 15 at 10/9c on VH1.
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