Amber Mark isn’t here for “Competition.” Instead, she wants to make sure that everyone, like herself, has the chance at achieving their heart's desires and she knows that people can’t do it alone.
"Competition" has a similar positive vibe as Amber's previous single "Worth It," reflecting where she is in life right now. “I hold this one so close to my heart. ‘Competition’ comes from a state of always comparing yourself to others and how ruthless that competitive nature can be towards yourself and towards others.” Mark shared via press release. “The song is a reminder of how much stronger we are together."
Against twinkling piano, thumping bass and trap drums, Amber shares a sermon on support. “This is not a competition / You are not the opposition / I just want to see you win,” she sings on the chorus, wanting to see everyone glow up with her. The sentiment of the song is brought home in the bridge where Mark exclaims, “Damn I really made it!” with the background singers adding the refrain, “Yeah we really made it!”
The video for “Competition” starts with a brief snippet of the video for "Worth It." Each visual for each single will be part of a forthcoming short film that Mark is making. While in “Worth It,” Mark struggled with reaching her own potential, “Competition” finds the singer finding strength through community. The stunning clip is expertly choreographed, with the dancers’ actions building on one another, creating a cohesive whole. The clip will bring to mind similar videos from Beyoncé and Solange, who have released artistic visuals that promote Black unity and beauty. Amber makes her own mark with "Competition," however. The clip ends with a little girl sitting at a table with what appears to be a counselor. While Young Amberlina is playing with a toy car in a tray of sand her teacher imparts a strong lesson that opens up her mind to even more possibilities, summing up the song and video.
Amber Mark has us all the way open with "Competition." The track is the second single from her upcoming debut album, which is stacking up to be a hot one when it drops.